Most milk you see at the grocery store came from cows that produce two proteins: A1 and A2 beta-casein.
Back in the day, cows only produced the A2 beta-casein protein until a genetic mutation came along and changed the chemical composition of the majority of today’s cows.
This means that today, most cows produce A1 and A2 proteins, when they used to naturally produce only A2. The only way to know if a cow is 100% A2/A2 is through DNA testing of the cow. On our farms we verify this by submitting DNA for testing to make sure each individual cow only carries the A2/A2 gene.
So What’s the Difference?
The most significant difference between organic milk and organic A2/A2 milk is the presence of A1 beta casein in organic milk. A2 beta-casein is the main protein found in human milk. Organic A2/A2 milk tastes just like the milk you’re already familiar with but is more naturally absorbed and easily digested. We spent decades producing organic milk but we are moving towards 100% organic A2/A2 production because this milk is the most natural to the human body.
We believe there’s no substitute for milk.
That’s why our family farms only raise cows that are heavily grazed with access to the outdoors. We put the health and welfare of our cows first. The result is high-quality, fresh milk you can trust from families just like yours.
As an organic dairy, we follow national standards. Our cows are pastured extensively and are free of antibiotics and growth hormones from birth. Our farm is also free of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. We’re certified organic by USDA and also hold certifications from Validus and the Non-GMO Project.
Western Organic Family Farms is among a select number of cooperatives in the continental U.S. producing organic A2/A2 milk. Each family farm in our co-op is turning their focus to organic A2/A2 dairy products and united under our common mission to cultivate families by providing the best possible milk products that they can feel confident about.